photo by Michael Yu, Rockwood Music Hall 2018

photo by Michael Yu, Rockwood Music Hall 2018

photo by Fanny Chen, the cell 2019

photo by Fanny Chen, the cell 2019

photo by Fanny Chen, the cell 2019

photo by Fanny Chen, the cell 2019

photo by Michael Yu, Rockwood Music Hall 2018

photo by Michael Yu, Rockwood Music Hall 2018

Photos from the sold-out world premiere at Joe’s Pub at the Public, NYC March 2019 - photos by Michael Yu

Comfort Girl is a song cycle that explores the lives of Chinese 'comfort women, ' a cruel euphemism for the women who were abducted into sexual slavery by the Japanese army during WWII. The work is a tribute to these young women’s incandescent courage and indomitable spirit, not only while in captivity during the War but also—in a cruel irony—when they returned home to their families, who didn’t always welcome them back with open arms. Of the 400,000+ victims, more than half were Chinese girls, imprisoned in their own homeland for months or years, as war raged throughout Japanese-occupied China. Most died or were killed during the war. The few who survived stayed silent about their horrifying ordeal, because it was seen as shameful, even treasonous. The music highlights an often-overlooked, dark chapter in history that still has echoes today, as survivors continue to fight for justice, historical revisionism threatens progress, and human trafficking and women’s rights remain a major global issue. The music is inspired by true stories survivors have told.

Comfort Girl, in its song cycle form, received its World Premiere at Joe’s Pub at the Public (NYC) on March 29, 2019. A studio recording (CD/mp3) of the song cycle will be released in 2024. A new chamber opera expanded version, Jade Star Hotel, is currently in development with The American Opera Project.

It is a stunning work that not only shines light on a dark chapter of history but also feels inspirational for contemporary listeners.
— DownBeat Magazine, July 2019, "Stephanie Chou's Suite Examines Dark History"; review from Comfort Girl premiere at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater, NYC

VIDEO TRAILER from Joe’s Pub. Full video of song-cycle version available here (2019) and here (2024).

The full 90-minute piece is approximately 1/3 instrumental music, 1/3 songs for female voice, 1/3 songs for male voice. It's stylistically diverse covering jazz, contemporary classical, pop, Chinese traditional, and more.

A Mighty, Harrowing New Suite... a phanstasmagorical song cycle
— New York Music Daily, May 2019

“No shoes, no name, no face, no freedom, 

No pride, no future, no hope.

No life.

I never was a comfort woman. I never was your comfort girl.”


right: 2024 CBS New York interview with Cindy Hsu - “A local artist is using her music to tell the tragic story of comfort women in World War II”

2019 APA Legacy Public Service Campaign (PSA) - Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Month

Webinar - STAND at Yale, “Comfort Women” Representation in Media and Art

below: Press Release for the world premiere

World Journal 2024 article “為慰安婦發聲 華裔歌手爵士樂反思歷史” - Speaking out for comfort women, Chinese jazz singer reflects on history



This trailer includes excerpts of songs with vocals. The show is framed by a love story; the main character Lian is engaged to her childhood love Ming, and is kidnapped by soldiers on her wedding day. Steph sings as a comfort woman in the first clip, and as the young lover Lian in the rest. Orville sings two roles: as the young fiance Ming, and as the Japanese soldiers after Lian is kidnapped.


Excerpts are usually done as part of Stephanie’s regular Jazz Fusion quintet band show. Below are performances of the full work or events related specifically to this project.

September 22, 2024 - Smith College, Northampton MA

September 14, 2024 - Adams Theater, Adams MA

April 5, 2024 - Joe’s Pub at the Public, NYC - Album Preview show

March 21, 2024 - Museum of Chinese in America, NYC - excerpts and in-depth discussion

March 5, 2024 - Burlington PAC - Burlington Canada - CANADIAN PREMIERE

April 14, 2022 - AOP Mixtape #1 - American Opera Project Mixtape at Joe’s Pub, excerpt

March 31, 2021 - OPERA America - New Works Forum, New Works Exploration Grantee, trailer video

September 27, 2020 - Comfort Women Justice Coalition - 3rd Anniversary of “Comfort Women” Memorial Statue in San Francisco, online stream (excerpt)

September 18, 2020 - STAND at Yale, Webinar, Representation of “Comfort Women” In Media and Art

May 16, 2020 - Joe’s Pub LIVE! from the Archives stream of world premiere, online

May 20, 2019 - Excerpts/Discussion at Horace Mann School, NY - article in The Record

March 29, 2019 - World Premiere at Joe’s Pub, NYC - sold out

January 11, 2019 - Preview at the cell, NYC - sold out

December 9, 2018 - Preview at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC

DURATION - 90 minutes

PREMIERE - World Premiere at Joe’s Pub, NYC - March 29, 2019

ROLES - 2 singers (female & male voice)

INSTRUMENTATION - chamber ensemble - erhu, violin, viola, alto saxophone, piano, drums, percussion
The score is approximately 1/3 instrumental music, 1/3 songs for female voice, 1/3 songs for male voice. It's stylistically diverse covering jazz, contemporary classical, pop, Chinese traditional, and more.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND - Click for more info

PROGRAM NOTE - Click to see our 2019 program note, or our 2024 program note, which includes composer commentary

It is a stunning work that not only shines light on a dark chapter of history but also feels inspirational for contemporary listeners.
— DownBeat Magazine, July 2019, "Stephanie Chou's Suite Examines Dark History"; review from Comfort Girl premiere at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater, NYC
One of New York’s most socially relevant and ambitious jazz talents...”
”A Mighty, Harrowing New Suite... a phanstasmagorical song cycle...”
”What was most striking about the show was not only Chou’s ability to shift between musical styles, but her prowess as a lyricist.
— New York Music Daily, 5/16/19, from a review of Stephanie Chou's world premiere of "Comfort Girl" at Joe's Pub at the Public, "A Rare City Park Show and a Mighty, Harrowing New Suite from Stephanie Chou"


Please consider donating to Comfort Girl to help us continue to develop the piece and bring it to larger audiences. Your contribution will simultaneously support new music and help the legacy of the comfort women live on.

Donate TO COMFORT GIRL via website

We also accept tax-deductible donations by check. Please make checks payable to "Fractured Atlas" and mail them to 470 West End Ave, Suite 3F, New York, NY 10024. Please write “Stephanie Chou Music” in the memo line.

Comfort Girl & Stephanie Chou Music are sponsored projects of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Comfort Girl & Stephanie Chou Music must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” ONLY and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Comfort Girl was made possible by a grant from the American Composers Forum with funds provided by the Jerome Foundation. The first two previews and premiere performance of Comfort Girl were made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. LMCC empowers artists by providing them with networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Manhattan and beyond.

The audio recording/CD of Comfort Girl has been made possible by funding from generous individual donors, and from the Puffin Foundation.

Stephanie Chou Project is a recipient of a 2023 grant from Chamber Music America’s Artistic Projects program, funded through the generosity of The Howard Gilman Foundation, for the Comfort Girl studio recording.

The "5-min promo” presentation, part of OPERA America’s New Works Forum, was made possible, in part, by a generous and deeply appreciated grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The development of Comfort Girl as a chamber opera (Jade Star Hotel) is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

The commissioning of Stephanie Chou for Jade Star Hotel received funding from OPERA America’s Opera Grants for Women Composers program supported by the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation.

Jade Star Hotel received funding from The MAP Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Howard Gilman Foundation, and Mellon Foundation.

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